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Concept and basic policy of sustainability

We, Gendai Agency Inc., have set forth our corporate philosophy as “contribute to the creation of a more prosperous society through engaging in highly innovative and imaginative activities that support the earnings growth and advancement of our client companies.” We have also stipulated three management principles and four codes of conduct, and we hope to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by carrying out business activities in accordance with this philosophy. We will strive to carry out initiatives aimed at building a sustainable society as well as developing the economy, while also paying attention to the environment, social responsibility, and corporate governance so as realize a prosperous society.

Basic Policy of Sustainability

Gendai Agency Inc., based on its Corporate Philosophy, Management Principles, and Code of Conduct, will work toward realizing a sustainable society in accordance with the following policies while respecting the dialog between all stakeholders such as its business partners, shareholders, employees, and local community.

  • 1We will comply with the laws and regulations, and carry out fair and socially responsible corporate activities in accordance with social norms and common sense.
  • 2We will take into consideration the impact of our business activities on the global environment, and will contribute to the realization of a society that values the global environment by reducing our environmental-impact through energy-conscious activities, the effective utilization of resources, and the introduction of environmentally-friendly products.
  • 3We will contribute to the realization of a society where human dignity is protected through corporate activities that respect the human rights of all stakeholders, regardless of gender, nationality, or other personal attributes.
  • 4We will strive to strengthen the relationship of mutual trust with our business partners by conducting honest and appropriate business transactions based on free and fair competition, and will work to build relationships of co-existence and co-prosperity that will contribute to society.
  • 5We will respect the individuality and diversity of our employees, who form the cornerstone of maximizing corporate value, will establish education and training systems and personnel systems that enable them to demonstrate their respective capabilities to the maximum extent, and will endeavor to realize a work environment where they can work in a lively manner with pride and enthusiasm.

Main initiatives by Gendai Agency


We will strive to preserve the global environment and contribute to the development of the society through business activities.

Shift to paper-less

We are promoting the shift from paper media to digital through digitalization of various documents.


We are working on improving office efficiency by wearing business-casual clothing during summer, and introducing teleworking and a free-desk workspace.

Promotion of eco-friendly cars

91.6% of company-owned vehicles are eco-friendly.


We will carry out various activities so as to develop together with a large number of stakeholders.


- Propose cutting-edge, high-quality services
- Community-based business activities
[Number of consolidated bases: 23]


- Support employee capability improvement
- Improve the workplace environment
- Enhance welfare systems

Local community

We are supporting Clean Fighters Yamanashi, a regional rugby football team as an official sponsor.

Shareholders and investors

- Practice management that improves corporate value
Target management indexes [medium-term goal value]

Operating margin 10.0% or more
(Improvement of productivity and added value)
ROE 10.0% or more
(Improvement of capital efficiency)

Dividend policy

Dividend calculation guideline of 6% DOE or 50% payout ratio, whichever is higher


As a sustainable and trusted company, we will comply with the laws and regulations and conduct sound and highly transparent corporate activities.

Internal control system development

- Compliance system – Risk management system
- Information control system – Internal auditing
- Whistle-blower system

Attendance of Outside Directors at Board of Directors Meetings
Attendance of Outside Auditors at Board of Corporate Auditors Meetings

[Fiscal year ended March 2024]
Attendance ratio of Board of Directors Meeting: 100%
Board of Corporate Auditors Meeting: 100%