CSR Initiatives
GENDAI AGENCY INC. will endeavor to implement initiatives to promote a sustainable society and economic development, taking into consideration the environment, social responsibility, and corporate governance.
We strive to preserve the natural environment and contribute to the development of society through our business activities.
- For the environment
To conserve resources and energy, we strive for paperless operation in our offices and use eco-cars for company vehicles.
We will engage in activities to ensure development together with our many stakeholders.
- Together with society
- Together with customers
- Together with business partners
- Together with our employees
We engage in activities including participation in the Ecocap Movement to fund vaccines for children around the world, and the introduction of employee assistance programs to promote the mental and physical health of employees.
We engage in various CSR activities as an ongoing concern trusted by society.
- Corporate governance
- Compliance
- Information security
- Risk management
We engage in activities such as the development of a system for the early detection of compliance violations by employees.
Propose novel
and high quality
service -
Shareholders & investors
Practice management
that would raise the
corporate value -
Promote fair
treatment and
building of
environment -
Environment & society
Contribute to the
development of
society and earth
through business
Consolidated bases
Pachinko parlor
(As of March 31, 2021)
Performance indicator
goalsROE (improvement of
capital efficiency)10% or more
Dividend policy
Consolidated dividend
payout ratio for the
time being
--- aim for 50% -
employee count256persons
(As of March 31, 2021)
according to the
layerPaid leave acquisition rate:50%
(As of March 31, 2021)
Figure is for Gendai Agency Inc. on a non-consolidated basis
Establish safety
and health
committeeFormulation of action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children -
introduction of eco-
friendly cars81.1%
of cars owned by the
Ensure paperless
Implement cool biz